Firewood - Pruna Bio


Buy your cheaper, good quality firewood now at Pruna Bio and get free delivery anywhere in Europe. We provide you with dry oak wood, dry beech wood, dry hornbeam wood, etc. and different cutting lengths...

Firewood 30 cm High performance
Bale pallet, bulk wood logs of 2000 dm3 or 2.24 steres, in 30 cm.
Mixture of hardwoods (ash, beech, oak and hornbeam), kiln drying, 20% humidity.
Clean wood, well split and partially debarked, NF certified
Firewood 50 cm
Humidity Rate: Less than 25%
Essence: 80% hardwoods, 20% softwoods
Volume in m3: 1.2 m3
Volume in Steres: 1.5 steres
Drying Technique: Natural outdoors
Type Of Wood: Mixture of hard and soft
Length: 50cm
Packaging: Pallet
Firewood 40 cm
Humidity Rate: Less than 25%
Essence: 80% hardwoods, 20% softwoods
Volume in m3: 1.2 m3
Volume in Steres: 1.6 steres
Drying Technique: Natural outdoors
Type Of Wood: Mixture of hard and soft
Length: 40cm
Packaging: Pallet
Firewood 30 cm
Humidity Rate: Less than 25%
Essence: 80% hardwoods, 20% softwoods
Volume in m3: 1.2 m3
Volume in Steres: 1.8 steres
Drying Technique: Natural outdoors
Type Of Wood: Mixture of hard and soft
Length: 30cm
Packaging: Pallet